David BonnetDavid Bonnet

PhD Candidate


Most graphic user interfaces for content edition rely on widgets such as buttons, checkboxes and sliders. They are presented in toolbars or palette inspectors that take a considerable amount of screen real estate at the expense of the content of interest. My work consists of replacing those invasive widgets with gestures that can be performed on the objects themselves for selection and edition tasks. To design such gestures, I consider both human factors (motor and cognitive skills) and system factors (recognition accuracy), which led me to develop novel tools that support the creation of intuitive graphical guides and effective gesture recognizers.


SPad: A Bimanual Interaction Technique for Productivity Applications on Multi-touch Tablets

Cédric Foucault, Manfred Micaux, David Bonnet and Michel Beaudouin-Lafon Poster paper in the extended abstracts of CHI '14 (2014)
ACM | Video | Poster


Coordination of Tilt and Touch in One- and Two-Handed Use

Theophanis Tsandilas, Caroline Appert, Anastasia Bezerianos and David Bonnet Short paper (4 pages) in the proceedings of CHI '14 (2014)
ACM | Project page


Extending the Vocabulary of Touch Events with ThumbRock

David Bonnet, Caroline Appert and Michel Beaudouin-Lafon Full paper (8 pages) in the proceedings of GI '13 (2013)
ACM | Video | Slides


SAM: The Swiss Army Menu

David Bonnet and Caroline Appert Short paper (4 pages) in the proceedings of IHM '11 (2011)
ACM | Demo | Slides


Internship Supervision

  • Engineering the smartphone embedded part of a gesture toolkit
    Mickaël Guilbeaud (Master Student), June 2013—September 2013
  • Capturing the daily gestural behavior of users with their smartphone
    Oliver de Cramer & Mickaël Guilbeaud (Master Students), January 2013—May 2013

Teaching Assistant


Reviewing and Dissemination Activities

Master Projects